For thirty five years or more, DCS products of Toshiba have been applied to process automation systems of power generation, water & wastewater, oil & gas, iron making, mining, chemical, paper & paper mill and cement. In general, the system requirements for conventional DCS are high reliability, high availability, advanced control performance and high capacity.
While a large scale DCS is able to manage a few thousands loops per controller, it is expensive to introduce into a plant because of the complex redundant architecture used to reduce the risk of centralized control and operation.
Nowadays global process automation market is looking for DCS products which are easier to introduce with improved cost performance in addition to the conventional DCS requirements. One practical solutions is to introduce properly scaled DCS into each functional plant unit as needed. This reduces the risk of centralized control and operation with reasonable cost.
To meet these real needs Toshiba launches a small-to-middle scale DCS into the process automation market in 2015. The DCS, named type2 light, manages up to 1,000 tag objects including up to 128 control loops, while maintaining inherited functions from Toshiba’s large scale DCS.